
I only expect my travel companions (and me, Heather) to read this blog. If you have stumbled upon this missive, welcome.

We, The One Tank Gang, are a group of friends. Yes, money is tight and gas prices are high. CNN's "One Tank Trips in Five States" inspired us to gather our resources, pack a picnic lunch, climb into one of our automobiles and get the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of town now and again.

Friday, April 27, 2012

No Reservations….

At the risk of sounding like a cable food show, our next adventure will involve NO RESERVATONS.


Tomorrow, we are heading south, picking up OneTank Gang members along the way. Eventually, we will end up in line at the Corvette Diner in San Diego. You, guessed it. NO RESERVATIONS. We will play trivia games as we wait.

Who will will the 1950’s trivia game? Dunno! Since all of the OneTank Gang were not even twinkles in our parent’s eyes in the 1950’s.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Old Los Angeles Zoo, Griffith Park

Gasp! We all grew up in Southern California, visited Griffith Park dozens of times and we never heard of the “Old” Zoo.  A nice article on the zoo is here.

This one was almost in our back yard, so I will skip the maps.

Uh, we ended up eating next to the zombie wars. When asked what game they were playing, we were informed that “it’s not a game—it’s a way of life!” The “Free Humanity” graffiti (photo) struck me as funny under the circumstances.

Photos from Eric H, Anthony C, Heather A, and Cory C. Thanks everyone!