
I only expect my travel companions (and me, Heather) to read this blog. If you have stumbled upon this missive, welcome.

We, The One Tank Gang, are a group of friends. Yes, money is tight and gas prices are high. CNN's "One Tank Trips in Five States" inspired us to gather our resources, pack a picnic lunch, climb into one of our automobiles and get the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of town now and again.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Skywatch I


Just before leaving for our Skywatch 2013 One Tank I posed the following question on Facebook, “What do you get when you mix paranormal investigators, marshmallows for s’mores and a skywatch?”

My thought was the scene out of “Ghostbusters” where the Stay Puff man shows up to destroy the world.

photo 1

However, I like Teri Nixon’s take on the subject!

photo 2

The movement (or apparent movement) of the Sun, Moon stars across the heavens caught the attention of people all across the world for thousands and thousands of years. Why should we act differently than our ancestors? We improved on the process with zero gravity lawn chairs and many, many six packs. To borrow an expression from Darlene, “That is how we roll!” Although, knowing the personalities of the gang, we were likely to roll right off the chairs and down a hill!

In general, the best places to skywatch are away from city lights. To get that far out, primitive camping become a necessary companion to a skywatch. As it turns out, a handful of the One Tank Gang “does not do” primitive camping. Darlene—bless her heart—secured cabins at Calico Ghost Town. We were a few steps away from an air-conditioned cabin, showers and real toilets.

Due to a variety of reasons, we were limited to two cars for all seven people and equipment. Jeanette always knew playing Tetris would prove to be an important life skill more than learning math!

skyw (3)IMG_3577

(Some equipment should not be left behind!) 


Here are a few highlights:

· Jeanette mistook a tag flapping in the breeze for a rattle snake. Boy, can that girl jump!

· Prior to this little trip, Anthony had never tried a s’more. We wanted to smack his parents.

· Arlene drank water. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

· We found the “Bat Cave”. Oops I mean a cave full of bats! (See Calico photos below.)

· The starts are amazing.

Our campsite:


Please enjoy some beautiful shots of Calico.


The gang comprised mostly of paranormal investigators was memorized by the cemetery. Go figure!


And, the skywatch…


And, uh, yes, the rangers showed up.


Until next time…


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mission San Juan Capistrano


Ok, so my nine year old nephew would have fared better in the California history trivia than ALL us adults combined! Please enjoy the beautiful Mission San Juan Capistrano. Please see Mission Santa Barbara blog entry for California Mission History.

Most of this awesome photography was taken by Cory Caplinger. Thanks, Cory!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Broken Ass Thermometer


We read that the world’s tallest thermometer may not be around much longer. Read about it here.

We have Darlene to thank for this insightful summary, “Only we can go out the middle of the desert to visit a broken ass thermometer and have a blast!”

A trip to Alien Fresh Jerky is worth your time if you are on the road between Las Vegas and Los Angeles.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I set a handful of posts to upload automatically. None of them did! So much for technology making our lives easier.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Missing Piece


Let’s call this an “ode to how much I dislike IKEA” aka “The Jungles of IKEA” aka “we are missing a da*m piece”. As IKEA is within One Tank range, and I had travel to the store three times, the total mileage was worthy of One Tank. Besides, I have not been this frustrated in a long time and needed a place to vent.

“The Jungles of IKEA”

Our guides abandoned us on the second day.

We forged forward with the rudimentarily tools the guides left behind.


The directional signs worked against us (notice the arrow pointing the wrong way).


We trekked North.


We trekked South.


And discovered there…




Just no way…


Out!!! Argh!!!!



Trip one:

Two hours after my arrival I was able to leave with my purchase. I was willing to put aside my dislike for the poor customer service and the even poorer furniture quality. My need to get my office under control and keep under budget was imperative. (The office before and after photos below.)

Now let’s take a step back for a minute. You have to remember that among his many talents, my father was a woodworker. My dad would let me “help” him. I learned a bit about woodworking and craftsmanship as a result.

IKEA furniture is vastly compressed wood and particle board. It is great for people on a budget. My inner woodworker did keel over.

While assembling the bookcase, I noticed pieces (hardware) were missing from the box. I followed the directions on the assembly instructions and called the IKEA 800 number as printed in the instructions. The 800 number directed me to call the store for replacement pieces. The automated store phone system directed me to the 800 number. I could not talk to a live body. So, I…

Trip two:

I returned to the store. Four yellow shirted employees in a row pointed me to four different places to solve my “missing piece” dilemma; it was not their “department”. I finally was able to exchange the bookcase for a new one.

Once home, I opened the box to discover one of the side pieces had a crack in it. I boxed up the bookcase and….

Trip three:

I returned to the IKEA store the third time. I stopped to eat some of the Swedish meatballs available in the IKEA restaurant. (The meatballs are not all they are hyped up to be.) I picked up my third bookcase and headed home.

Three is a charm. The bookcase went up and---I must admit---looks nice.

Before (shutter)


and after…
