
I only expect my travel companions (and me, Heather) to read this blog. If you have stumbled upon this missive, welcome.

We, The One Tank Gang, are a group of friends. Yes, money is tight and gas prices are high. CNN's "One Tank Trips in Five States" inspired us to gather our resources, pack a picnic lunch, climb into one of our automobiles and get the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of town now and again.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jane Austen Evening 2012

Pasadena is less than one tank away….


The Society to Manners and Merriment hosts the Jane Austen Evening every January. After a five year absence, we tried it again.


After two months of sewing, we were finally able to wear our gowns. My Grecian Goddess and Dar’s Recycled wedding dress were both reimagined dresses. Mom and Hellen’s were new.


Pasadena Masonic Hall. Parking inadequate, but the building was pretty.


Thanks to Torrin Page (here in YouTube) for the tips on Regency Hair styles. I think we did ok.               I suddenly want to grow my hair long again.


Thanks for looking!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Orleans

While “Naw-leens” is considerably outside of our One Tank radius, we applied One Tank Rules once we arrived.
Quickly, here are a few highlights…(Please note that I have a filter on my camera to protect the lens. I did not have time to edit the cut off corners out. Be warned: this is me with no makeup. What we are willing to forsake for science...C’est la vie. )

Best Tour Guide :Jasmine of Laura Plantation
We wish we could have combine the views of the Oak Alley with Jasmine’s personality. The two together made the perfect tour.

Best Location With Beauty and History: Oak Alley Plantation
The Mint Juleps were not bad either.

Best Beignets: Café Beignet (Sorry, Café Du Monde)
We tried and tried them again and again just to be certain.

Best Dinner and Show Deal: Steamboat Natchez

Best EVP Session: St Louis Cemetery #1
Of course I dragged the EVP kit all the way to Naw-leens. I choose to give up taking makeup and a few other things in order to fit the EVP experiment in the bag. You should have seen the look on the airport screeners when they tried to figure out what a Faraday cage was on the screen. We completed several sessions. We received the best results, including disembodied voices at St Louis Cemetery #1. We also played messenger for several friends and family who wished to make a request of New Orleans Voodoo Queen,  Marie Laveau. I understand that at least one of these requests was granted! I did NOT graffiti my name on the tomb.

Best Fried Chicken and Groupon: Fiorella's Cafe

Best Views: Swamp Tour with Cajun Tours
The bus drives and tour guides were fantastic. They work hard, please  tip them well.  We did not rate the company  the best tour company because of the negative contacts with their customer service staff.

Best Bourbon Milk Punch, period: