
I only expect my travel companions (and me, Heather) to read this blog. If you have stumbled upon this missive, welcome.

We, The One Tank Gang, are a group of friends. Yes, money is tight and gas prices are high. CNN's "One Tank Trips in Five States" inspired us to gather our resources, pack a picnic lunch, climb into one of our automobiles and get the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of town now and again.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mission San Juan Capistrano


Ok, so my nine year old nephew would have fared better in the California history trivia than ALL us adults combined! Please enjoy the beautiful Mission San Juan Capistrano. Please see Mission Santa Barbara blog entry for California Mission History.

Most of this awesome photography was taken by Cory Caplinger. Thanks, Cory!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Broken Ass Thermometer


We read that the world’s tallest thermometer may not be around much longer. Read about it here.

We have Darlene to thank for this insightful summary, “Only we can go out the middle of the desert to visit a broken ass thermometer and have a blast!”

A trip to Alien Fresh Jerky is worth your time if you are on the road between Las Vegas and Los Angeles.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I set a handful of posts to upload automatically. None of them did! So much for technology making our lives easier.