
I only expect my travel companions (and me, Heather) to read this blog. If you have stumbled upon this missive, welcome.

We, The One Tank Gang, are a group of friends. Yes, money is tight and gas prices are high. CNN's "One Tank Trips in Five States" inspired us to gather our resources, pack a picnic lunch, climb into one of our automobiles and get the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of town now and again.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Corvette Diner and Cabrillo Monument


Sorry for the delay! The week was less than stellar.

Corvette map

Date: Saturday, April 28, 2012

Starting Point: Riverside County, California

Destination: Carlsbad, Corvette Diner, Cabrillo Monument.

Total Miles: 224 miles (round trip)

Attendees: DarDar , Anthony, Andrea, Howard, Jeanette, Jenny, Caleb, Heather



Lesson learned:

First, charge the camera batteries the night before. Even with recent advancements, phone cameras do not do as well as a real camera. Second, beware of poles in the background. Thanks to the sun, I did not see the pole next to the light house. Sorry, Anthony, the pole is growing out of your head….


The Game

We played “Famous Fifties Faces” on our long drive.

We had to name the person and one thing that person was famous for. I am not certain what was funnier: the game or Dar’s interpretation of what people were famous for.

Here are a few of our faces. How may can you name?


4 Cabrillo (1)




The Best Food

Dar’s “Brown Cow Float”. Hands down.

3 the food and carnage (2)

The Best of the Best :The GANG!